And just as an update- I'm continuing my work for the firm in Edmond and really liking it. It's challenging and has enough variety to really keep me on my toes. I've gotten really familiar with the OU Law Library and with navigating community red tape, which is a lot of fun. The people I work with are nice and very understanding about my class schedule. Which reminds me- finals are coming! I also ended my internship with Legal Aid. It was great while it lasted, but with a paying gig and finals fast approaching it was just too much. So it's nice to have the time to devote to studying and working and a couple of recreational pursuits like I did at the beginning of the summer. I'm also working on editing my resume to look as impressive as possible, no mean feat.
For the fourth I'm headed to Cali to visit the good old Dad. We're definitely going to D-land and possibly a few of the old haunts like the Queen Mary or Exposition Park. Should be a fun trip and I'm looking forward to a bit of a break.