Okay. I'm more impressed with the new president than I thought I'd be. Hard work and responsibility, unity and caring for each other. I like those ideals, those values. Those are what make this nation great, they're what has always made this nation great. I'm not too optimistic about the programs actually being cut and the "hard choices" actually being made, but at least there was an acknowledgment that those changes need to be made.
This IS a great nation. And we have made it through hard times before and we'll do it again. And it IS going to take a lot, a lot, of hard work. More than anyone really realizes. For the most part that hard work will probably be done by the aging baby boomers, they're the ones who've done it for the last 40 or so years. But pretty soon they'll be retiring and it will be time for my generation to take over. For the most part we're over-educated and under-worked. We'd rather play video games and mooch off of our parents than support ourselves. (Don't get me wrong, I have some of these problems myself.) So the president and the legislature have a tough job to do. They need to make work worth while to the people my age. And Obama may be able to do it. It's been many years since people have rallied around one man like that. He's got the support, I hope he can keep it long enough to get the job done.